How Healthy Teeth Help You to Stay Healthy

The relationship of the teeth to overall health and efficiency was valued in a way that was general long before vitamins or infections were heard of. Toothaches were inevitable as colds, and horse traders and slave buyers scrutinized the purchases’ teeth. However, in recent times has attention been given to the preservation and care of the teeth.

Dental Caries

Early studies of the cause and prevention of dental caries indicated that there may be a single causative factor but further results show that the challenge is a complicated one, with diet, heredity, internal secretions, mechanical aspects, and oral hygiene of greatest importance.

Diet and Dental Caries

There is now general agreement that diet probably is the most significant single element in the maintenance of sound, healthy teeth, and that an adequate diet is most crucial during the period of most rapid expansion. McCullum and Simmonds complete that rats that are stored on a diet during part of their period have poor teeth and decay that is premature, although a decent diet is supplied. In today before viosterol had been developed and earlier cod-liver oil was widely used, McCullum reported that in the age of entering school 9 per cent of children who had been breastfed for at least 6 weeks had dental caries, 22 per cent of children who had been fed cow’s milk or about milk mixtures, and 27 percent who were fed oatmeal water and other prepared foods. This would demonstrate that the foundation of dental health is laid quite early in life, but it now seems that the prenatal period can also be of fantastic value in this regard. As a result, the emphasis is currently being placed upon the right diet during pregnancy. Get an appointment today at Church Wellesley Dental!

Significant though diet is, there doesn’t seem to be any single dietary factor that’s responsible for dental caries. Calcium and phosphorus, vitamin D, which regulates the utilization of those minerals from the body, and the two minerals found in teeth and bones, are clearly essential. Of these, Vitamin D and calcium were first thought to be of greatest importance: but the more recent work appears to indicate that phosphorus is of as great if not greater significance than calcium. Certain veggies, milk, and fish foods are rich sources of calcium and phosphorus. Vitamin D is quite likely to be deficient throughout winter months in foods but is administered in the form of viosterol, vitamin D milk, or cod-liver oil.

Children have been denied candy due to the belief that sugar is related to dental decay, and certain studies completed in institutions for orphans where the diet is rigorously controlled suggest that the incidence of dental caries is directly associated with the amount of carbohydrate from the diet. Cereals from which the hull of this grain has been removed seem to have a negative influence and researchers think that oatmeal leads into the formation of caries.

Divergent opinions concerning the relation of diet to dental health leave one rather perplexed. Seemingly, no one dietary element is responsible for resistance but various elements are necessary for the growth and soundness of tooth. For practical purposes, a diet, comprising some kind of vitamin D or liberal amounts of orange, orange juice, fresh fruits, vegetables, as well as for children cod-liver oil, may be depended upon to supply the nutritional requirements of the teeth.


It is often said that”a sterile tooth never decays.” Whether or not this is true depends upon the definition of cleanliness. The announcement is accurate if cleanliness implies freedom from bacteria. But with germs within the mouth and at the food we consume, it’s not possible to get the teeth.

The mechanism of corrosion is through the activity of acids made by bacterial decomposition of meals, first on the enamel and then on the softer dentine of the tooth. The activity of the acid upon the tooth structure can start in any crevice, irregularity, or fracture in the tooth. The amount of acid and decomposition formation is best if there are accumulations of food substances. In reality, it’s between the teeth, in which it’s hard to prevent accumulations of meals that decay most frequently starts. Although cleanliness of their teeth is the sole factor in the prevention of dental decay or even the one that is most important it is not without importance.

Some clarification of this part of the problem was given by current studies of the bacteria within the mouth. If a specific germ known as Lactobacillus acidophilus happens in quantity caries grow with great rapidity. This is only because these bacteria act upon carbohydrates on and around the teeth. These studies have shown that when men have too much of lactobacilli in their mouths, then the number of caries can be reduced by the elimination of sugars and other carbohydrates in the diet.

It now appears that certain compounds applied to the teeth will neutralize the acids formed by the activity of bacteria upon carbohydrates and therefore reduce caries. Some of these chemicals are currently being included in so”ammoniated” toothpaste.

Fluorine and Dental Caries

Throughout the past many year’s analyses have taken another turn. It had been determined that the only chemical distinction between carious and non-carious teeth is the fact that carious teeth comprise fluorine, an element which is present in minute quantities in teeth and the bones. This was accompanied by an investigation of the fluorine content of their drinking water in areas in which they’re prevalent and regions in. A gap in fluorine content was discovered. From these studies, it has been concluded that the existence of roughly 1 part of fluorine per 1,000,000 components of drinking water causes a prevalence of caries. Incidentally, fluorine inside this amount causes some mottling of tooth.